Used Golf Carts for Sale by Owner in Douglas, Wisconsin: Find Your Perfect Ride Today!

Welcome to the ultimate destination for used golf carts for sale by owner in Douglas, Wisconsin! Whether you’re an avid golfer looking to upgrade your ride or simply seeking a reliable and affordable mode of transportation, our comprehensive listings have everything you need to find the perfect golf cart for your needs.

With a wide selection of makes, models, and years to choose from, our listings are meticulously organized to help you find the perfect fit. From budget-friendly options to feature-packed luxury carts, we have something for every taste and budget.

Used Golf Cart Listings

Find the perfect used golf cart for your needs in Douglas, Wisconsin. We have a wide selection of makes and models to choose from, all at competitive prices.

Our golf carts are inspected and reconditioned by our experienced technicians, so you can be sure that you’re getting a quality product. We also offer a variety of financing options to make your purchase even more affordable.

Available Golf Carts, Used golf carts for sale by owner in Douglas, Wisconsin

Make Model Year Condition Price
Club Car Precedent 2016 Excellent $5,995
EZ-GO RXV 2018 Good $4,995
Yamaha Drive2 2020 Like New $7,995
Star EV Star EV 2022 New $10,995

Cart Features and Specifications

Used golf carts for sale in Douglas, Wisconsin, offer a range of features and specifications to meet diverse needs and preferences. From basic models to feature-rich options, buyers can find carts tailored to their budget, terrain, and lifestyle.

When comparing different makes and models, consider factors such as seating capacity, motor power, battery life, and additional features like lighting, storage, and accessories. Unique or desirable features may include Bluetooth connectivity, upgraded wheels and tires, or custom paint jobs that can enhance the cart’s appeal and functionality.

Electric vs. Gas Carts

  • Electric Carts:Environmentally friendly, quiet operation, lower maintenance costs, limited range on a single charge.
  • Gas Carts:More powerful, longer range, higher maintenance costs, louder operation.

Seating Capacity

  • 2-Seater Carts:Compact, suitable for individuals or couples.
  • 4-Seater Carts:Spacious, ideal for families or groups.
  • 6-Seater Carts:Larger models, perfect for transporting multiple passengers or equipment.

Motor Power

  • 18-24 Volt Motors:Suitable for flat or slightly sloped terrain.
  • 36 Volt Motors:More powerful, handle moderate inclines.
  • 48 Volt Motors:Highest power, ideal for hilly terrain or carrying heavy loads.

Battery Life

  • Lead-Acid Batteries:Affordable, shorter lifespan.
  • Lithium-Ion Batteries:More expensive, longer lifespan, faster charging times.

Market Analysis: Used Golf Carts For Sale By Owner In Douglas, Wisconsin

The market for used golf carts in Douglas, Wisconsin is experiencing steady growth, driven by increasing demand from both local residents and seasonal visitors. Several factors contribute to this demand, including the area’s numerous golf courses, scenic trails, and growing population of retirees seeking convenient and affordable transportation options.

Seasonal Trends

Seasonal trends significantly impact the supply and demand of used golf carts in Douglas. During the spring and summer months, when golf season is in full swing and outdoor activities are popular, demand for golf carts rises, leading to higher prices and limited availability.

Conversely, during the fall and winter months, demand typically decreases, resulting in lower prices and a wider selection of available carts.

Local Regulations

Local regulations can also affect the market for used golf carts. In Douglas, Wisconsin, golf carts are permitted for street use under certain conditions, such as having a valid license plate, taillights, and headlights. These regulations help ensure the safety of both golf cart operators and other road users, contributing to the overall demand for used golf carts in the area.

Pricing Trends

Pricing trends for used golf carts in Douglas vary depending on factors such as the make, model, age, and condition of the cart. In general, newer carts with popular features, such as electric motors and extended warranties, command higher prices.

Older carts or those requiring repairs may be available at lower prices.

Availability of Specific Models

The availability of specific models of used golf carts in Douglas can fluctuate based on supply and demand. Popular models from major manufacturers, such as Club Car, EZ-GO, and Yamaha, are typically more readily available than less common models. Buyers may need to be patient or expand their search to find a specific model that meets their needs.

Tips for Buyers

When looking to purchase a used golf cart in Douglas, Wisconsin, it’s important to consider factors such as the cart’s condition, maintenance history, and battery life. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:


Inspect the cart thoroughly for any signs of damage or wear. Check the frame, body, tires, and upholstery for any cracks, dents, or tears. Look for any signs of rust or corrosion, especially on the frame and battery terminals.

Maintenance History

Ask the seller for the cart’s maintenance history. If possible, obtain records of any recent repairs or services. A well-maintained cart is more likely to be in good condition and last longer.

Battery Life

The battery is a crucial component of a golf cart. Check the age and condition of the battery. A new battery can cost several hundred dollars, so factor this into your budget. You can test the battery’s life by driving the cart for a short distance and observing how quickly the charge depletes.

Local Resources

Douglas, Wisconsin, provides a range of local resources for buyers and sellers of used golf carts. These resources include golf cart dealers, repair shops, golf courses, and community groups, offering support and connections within the local golf cart market.

By leveraging these resources, buyers and sellers can access valuable information, services, and networking opportunities to facilitate smooth transactions and enhance their golf cart ownership experience.

Golf Cart Dealers

Golf cart dealers in Douglas, Wisconsin, offer a wide selection of used golf carts for sale, catering to diverse buyer preferences and budgets. These dealers provide expert advice, financing options, and after-sales support, ensuring a hassle-free purchase process.

  • ABC Golf Carts: (555) 123-4567,
  • XYZ Golf Carts: (555) 234-5678,

Repair Shops

Repair shops in Douglas, Wisconsin, specialize in servicing and maintaining used golf carts, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. These shops offer a range of services, from routine maintenance to major repairs, providing peace of mind to golf cart owners.

  • Ace Golf Cart Repair: (555) 345-6789,
  • Bob’s Golf Cart Service: (555) 456-7890,

Golf Courses

Golf courses in Douglas, Wisconsin, often serve as a hub for golf cart enthusiasts, providing opportunities for buyers and sellers to connect. These courses may host golf cart tournaments, offer golf cart rentals, or have designated areas for golf cart parking and socializing.

  • Douglas Golf Course: (555) 567-8901,
  • Whispering Pines Golf Club: (555) 678-9012,

Community Groups and Forums

Community groups and forums in Douglas, Wisconsin, provide a platform for buyers and sellers of used golf carts to connect, share information, and facilitate transactions. These groups may be organized through social media, online forums, or local community centers.

  • Douglas Golf Cart Enthusiasts Facebook Group:
  • Douglas Community Forum:


So, whether you’re a seasoned golf cart enthusiast or a first-time buyer, we invite you to browse our listings today and discover the perfect used golf cart for sale by owner in Douglas, Wisconsin. With our user-friendly interface and detailed descriptions, finding your dream cart has never been easier!